Thursday, November 30, 2006

Learing to Fly

One of the best revelations had by my two friends and myself is this :-
Ever heard the song "Learning to fly - Pink Floyd"; ever wondered what is it all about??? Is it just a guy talking about his experiences of flying for the first time or is there a deeper meaning...

Well if you think about is just a guy talking about his experiences of "flying" for the first time...
I have explained it below...
But just before you read it I just want to add to it that maybe the person who wrote this lyrics did not write it with the following intention..but its really surprising how it can be interpreted in the other way... Simply the power of Revelations

  • The experience would be better if you can hear the song
  • I have explained the song in a first person perspective

Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back
(Describing the night sky - probably the time the person decided to "fly")
A flight of fancy on a windswept field
(Describing the place - a windy field)
Standing alone my senses reeled
(I am alone and all my senses reeled inside of me)
A fatal attraction holding me fast,
(I am being tempted to blaze the joint)
how Can I escape this irresistible grasp?
(this line says it all; And i take my first drag)
Cant keep my eyes from the circling skies
(that feeling you get when you are just starting to get stoned)
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, i
(another one of those feelings)
Ice is forming on the tips of my wings
(now i am beginning to get stoned)
Unheeded warnings, I thought I thought of everything
(i begin to feel the urge for something maybe thirst maybe hunger but i never thought about this)
No navigator to guide my way home
(now even if i decide to go back home its not going to be possible to do that alone)
Unladened, empty and turned to stone
(With all the above feelings i guess i am stoned)
A soul in tension thats learning to fly
(i am having weird feelings while learning to "fly")
Condition grounded but determined to try
(i am feeling stoned but that does not stop me from taking another drag)
Cant keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, i
(oh its that feeling again)

the following lines can be interpreted as what goes on in the brains when the marijuana is hitting the brain :-

Friction lock - set.
Mixture - rich
Propellers - fully forward
Flaps - set - 10 degrees
Engine gauges and suction - check
Mixture set to maximum percent - recheck
Flight instruments...Altimeters - check both - on
Navigation lights - on
Strobes - on
(to tower): confirm 3-8-echo ready for departure
(tower): hello again, this is now 129.4
(to tower): 129.4. its to go.
(tower): you may commence your takeoff, winds over 10 knots.
(to tower): 3-8-echoEasy on the brakes. take it easy. its gonna roll this time.Just hand the power gradually, and it...

the following part describes the feeling you get when you are completely stoned :-

Above the planet on a wing and a prayer,
(Am flying so high i feel as though i am in space and the wing represents a joint and a prayer represents a song)
My grubby halo, a vapour trail in the empty air,
(i can feel myself "flying")
Across the clouds I see my shadow fly
Out of the corner of my watering eye
(i can see myself "flying")
A dream unthreatened by the morning light
Could blow this soul right through the roof of the night
(i don't care what time it is; i am flying so high...high above in space)
Theres no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
(the lines say it all; i have reached that next level; nothing else can take me there)
Cant keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, i
(oh its that feeling again)

So this is the interpretation of this song.............Do let me know how did you like this revelation....
If you've had it too, well then all i want to say is "Welcome to the Club"....and if you've got a different interpretation please take the time to let us know about it..... well after all its all about Revelations...

And if you think "aaah this is bulls#$t...." keep this explanation in mind and think about it the next time you are stoned.... :)

("fly" - the feeling that you get after you smoke marijuana...hehehe....for all those who never knew like my non smoking and my non doping friends)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Humble Beginning....

What i am sayin may sound wierd to the normal ears, it may be too stupid or crazy of a normal brain to analyze...but my stoned friends out there may agree with me; but hey!!! even if you are not one of those types its ok....just go ahead and read the posts and may be you will understand the real meanings of certian things...or as i say "you may have a REVELATION".

So my Stoned friends ever got stoned and had a revelation....ever wanted to let the world know about it...well I know I wanted to and thats why i created this Blog to let us tell the masses about our thoughts; about our revelations.....

So go on type it out....the time has come for you to tell the people out there about your revelations.... or simply comment on the other revelations

And all my normal friends...hey dont feel left out...this blog is not encouraging you to smoke up... but its just there to tell you guys about the thought processes that goes on in the mind when you are at a different level altogether....and hey if you too have had a revelation be free to join in.....